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Cary Chiropractic & Rehabilitation

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LifeClinic of Cary, NC

15 Google Reviews

Meet the Team

Dr. Laurie Buob - Doctor of Chiropractic

Dr. Laurie Buob

Doctor of Chiropractic

Dr. Laurie Buob graduated from Southern California University of Health Science in 2004. She moved to Cary, NC in August and has been serving patients in Austin, TX for over 10 years. Dr. Laurie was inspired to become a Doctor of Chiropractic to have the best tools available to help others optimize their own health and physical fitness.

Dr. Laurie has a wealth of experience in treating soft tissue injuries. She enjoys incorporating hands-on techniques and rehab exercises to bring athletes and exercisers alike right back to their best so they can return to achieving their goals.

Cary, NC Chiropractic Services

Neck & Back
Shoulders & Arms
Hands & Wrists
Feet & Ankles
Hips & Knees
Athletic Performance
Work & Auto Accidents

What to Expect

1 Examination

During your 1st visit, our providers will hear the story of what brings you in, perform a new patient examination to determine the root cause of your problem, and briefly summarize what was found.

The examination consists of motion tests, palpation, reflex testing, and muscle strength, to help identify dysfunction in movement patterns and poor muscle engagement.

2 Report Of Finding

During your second visit, your provider will recap what was found in the examination, discuss a solution, review what your personal contribution to care will be, and begin treatment on that day.

3 Daily Appointments

On each subsequent visit, our providers will perform routine assessments to ensure you are track with your treatment plan and provide treatment.

Treatment visits typically consist of a combination of:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments: restores, maintains, and optimizes human function by eliminating interference within the joint and soft tissue thus restoring the synergy between your joints, nerves, and muscles. Chiropractic adjustments are only available during sessions with a chiropractor.
  • Integrated Muscle and Joint Therapy (IMJT): an advanced, active form of soft tissue treatment that effectively integrates the mind, muscular, skeletal, and neurological systems to achieve optimum balance throughout the body. IMJT is a patented technique available exclusively at LifeClinic.
  • Rehabilitation: carefully selected exercises and activities used in a specific sequence in order to reinforce changes made with the adjustment and IMJT. Rehabilitation retrains the body’s “movement habits.”

What Our Patients Say

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